Go forth and make disciples of all nations

Monday, December 29, 2008

Week of Dec. 28

-two girls trying to out-do each other at the Salvation Army bucket, by emptying their pockets. What a refreshing sight to see.
-A child spending their allowance on a special gift for mom.
-Tears flowing at a candlelight Christmas Eve service, as "Silent Night" is being sung.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Week of December 21

God was seen this week...
-in the miracle in Denver, where no one was killed on the plane that skidded off the runway.
-in the many "THANK GOD!s" heard when an accident didn't happen, on the icy streets.
-in "small world" moments.
-in a hot cup of coffee on an extremely cold morning.
-in the miracle of minor injuries, when two charter buses crashed through a guardrail, over I-5 in Seattle, at the bottom of an icy hill. It's a miracle neither bus went over the edge (both had their front wheels hanging over the edge) and crashed onto I-5.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Week of Dec. 14

-30 to 40 teenagers buying gifts to donate to "Gifts of Love."
-Overhearing a teen I have counseled, repeat what I've said while "counseling" a friend of their own.
-Not really a God sighting, but more of a praise of Thanksgiving...Thank God for a working heater in my home, office and car.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Week of Dec. 7

-In the thankfulness of getting the kids to school, safe and sound, on an icy morning.
-A young lady giving her testimony to the Youth Group.
-Smiles during Christmas shopping

Monday, December 1, 2008

Week of Nov. 30

-heard in the testimonies at our Thanksgiving service at church.
-seen through the play of children, at a family gathering.
-through the granddaughter supporting her recently widowed grandmother, on the first major holiday, since the grandfather's death.
-through the care and concern of sisters dealing with a brother's health concerns.
-the joy on children's faces while making Christmas crafts

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Week of November 23

-Teaching, touching and healing tears flowing at a Thanskgiving worship service at Youth Group.
-A friend's wife and sister pulling off a true surprise birthday party.
-Heard in praise at a Jazz church service.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Week of Nov. 16

-A child's weird sense of humor
-The blessing of someone with organization skills (not me!) organizing my room.
-A beautiful sunset.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Week of Nov. 9, 2008

-In the passing grade on a mid-term
-In a good report card, for first quarter.
-Good friends willing to have coffee, when a listening ear is needed.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Week of Nov. 2

-In the tears at the "All Saints Sunday" service, when the saints in our lives, who have passed on, are honored.
-The listening ear of a friend
-Dropping fuel prices

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Week of Oct. 26

-through healing stories
-being a familiar face to a visitor
-catching up with friends
-sisters helping each other with a project. (jack-o-lanterns...yuck!)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

week of October 19

-In the dedication of an outdoor worship area, with cross raising ceremony.
-In the proud parents of the Girl Scouts who participated in the project.
-Testimonies of teenagers, sharing where they have seen/felt God in their lives.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

For the week of Oct. 12

-Discovering a shared interest with a fellow student.
-Fellowship at the Women's Supper
-Mentors, and sharing what we have learned.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Week of Oct. 5

-The smile on a child's face, after meeting one of their heros in person.
-Planning visits and travel.
-A big sister, pushing, pulling and dragging a little sister, to make a dream of hers come true.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Week of Sept. 28

-Smiling faces of friends in Homecoming pictures
-While sharing meals with friends (breaking bread?)
-Remembering Grandma, at church, during a piano solo of a song she played frequently.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Week of September 21

God was more felt than seen, for me this week.
-while singing "Here I am Lord"...brings tears every time.
-the joy of achieving a long-sought goal.
-serving others - donating to Goodwill

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Week of September 14

The growth of our Youth Group! We have grown so large, the Adult Bible Study class is now in the Youth area, and we are in the Fellowship Hall, where the adults used to meet.

Safe travel for friends who were on vacation last week.

A wonderful (pre) full moon, in a clear blue sky.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Week of September 7

Great discovery! -- Bugs don't fly in the rain.

Extended families catching up, and enjoying each others company.

Rally Sunday at church! All the smiling faces back for another year of teaching.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Week of August 31

-(according to today's sermon) in the charcoal and lighter fluid of BBQs. Jesus is the lighter fluid and adds fuel to our Spiritual fire. The charcoal is the hardening of our hearts, while Jesus softens the heart through fire.
-the hints of seasonal change in the air.
-a father/daughter duet sung in church.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Week of August 24

God was seen this week:
-in the excitement of going back to school
-at the Ordination of a friend's son
-in the slowly changing colors of nature
-in angel neighbors with jumper cables

Monday, August 18, 2008

Week of August 17

-In a child's love of books
-A parent's patience while back-to-school shopping
-Monarch Butterflies migrating

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Week of August 10

A little late, due to jet lag...
God Sightings this week-
-(heard) child's laughter as he/she played in the sand at the beach. Then seen through the many sand castles which were built by a group of kids.
-standing on the face of Mt. Hood looking out over the Cascades...filled with God's Fingerprints
-the smile on the girls' faces as they told stories of their stay at Grandma Hudd's.
-Wild Horses running across the dried grasses of the Oregon desert.
-smiling snowboarders on Mt. Hood

God Bless-
The ticket agent who allowed our bag to be 1.5 lbs. over limit.
All of the hospitality workers who made the hotel stays comfortable.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Week of August 3

God sightings for this week:

-Four noneventful landings and take offs (Omaha to Phoenix, Phoenix to Portland with two stops, one in Salt Lake City, one in Boise)
-Beautiful Mt. Hood peaking (or is it peeking?) out of the clouds. It looked like it was sitting on the clouds, from the plane. Of course, my camera was in the checked-on baggage.
-(heard) in the laughter of friends and family, during a good dice game.
-Friends sharing memories from a trip.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Week of July 27

This week, I saw God:
-through the faces of wonderful people I've met through blogs, and finally was able to meet in person!
-through one tough kid who was bucked off of a spooked horse. As well as the relieved adults giving him a bad time after the fact.
-through His healing hands as a friend's mom recovers from Pneumonia.
-through Kendra's sensitive heart, as she mourned an idol's passing (Randy Pausch.)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Week of July 20

- Teens on fire for Christ!
- Being able to be a Prayer Warrior for a friend's mom, when she was taken to E.R. with a possible heart attack.
- Being the sounding board for my friend as he dealt with his mom's heart condition, especially during the hours of not knowing, and waiting for the doctors to make their diagnosis.
-Jaydee realizing the value of making better choices about who she hangs out with.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Week of July 13

This week God was
-seen in shared pictures from the trip to Idaho. Especially the baptism pictures!
-seen during our "Family Night" at mini-golf. All three of us had the exact same score! Couldn't ask for better...no winners no losers! lol
-seen in a rainbow Tuesday night.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Week of July 6

Waiting to hear your God Sightings!

- Hearing a young lady tell me about her recent calling, and decision to add "Youth Leadership" to her college plan.
- Watching the girls play in the lake, next to my brother's home.
- Sister-in-law offering a place to sleep, to avoid the drunk drivers on the 4th of July.
- God shining through people on the Idaho trip. Especially through all of the bus breakdown problems.
- Feeling God's breath in the breeze across Lake Couer D'Alene.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

God Sightings Week of June 15

-He's been seen through prayers and hugs.
-He was seen in the helping hands after all of the storms.
-He was seen in a bunch of teens going door-to-door collecting food for the Lincoln Food Bank.
-He was felt in the meeting preparing us for the upcoming Mission Trip to Idaho.

Please note: I will not be near a computer the next two Sundays. Please feel free to add God's sightings during that time on this listing.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sightings for week of June 8,

-God opening doors to discuss church activities with others at a non-church function.
-Kendra developing her serving heart by volunteering at one of the city libraries.
-The power of God seen in "thunderheads," thankfully no damage to personal property.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Sightings for the week of June 1, 2008

-He was seen in the smiling faces of the newly graduated (high school) students. He's seen in the hopes and dreams of these young people.
-Heard in the voice of a friend talking me through difficult times.
-Felt in the "missed you, last week" hugs at church.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Week of May 25, 2008

Ok a bit late this week, but here are the starters...

I saw (actually heard) God in a child's laughter.
Antelope racing across a pasture in Wyoming.
God's hand in all of the peaks and valleys from Nebraska to Montana.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

May 18, 2008 - weekly sightings

Where have you seen God?
-in a bunch of peanut butter, maple syrup, cool whip, and shaving creme covered teenagers.
-friends willing to help in getting kids to places they need to be, when my schedule is beyond my control.
-when the cost of medication is dropped considerably, because it is generic. ($4 vs $50!) God does provide!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Where have you seen God today?

-The confetti of blossom petals stuck to my car. He had one wild party, last night, from the looks of it!
-The smile and wave from my many friends at church.
-A miracle? Jaydee and Kendra peacefully getting along!