Go forth and make disciples of all nations

Monday, March 8, 2010

week ending March 7, 2010

Here is where I have seen or heard God this week. Please feel free to leave your own God Sightings either via Facebook or by adding to the comments on my blog!

-An elder reflecting on 35 years of marriage, even though he has passed on.
-A friend sacrificing their own joy so as not to "mess up" the life of their child.
-The joy of seeing someone reach for, and achieve their goal(s).
-Happy Dances!
-Regrowth and rebirth of Spring! I know I've been saying this for a couple of weeks now, but it still amazes me how God created all things to become new again. This time of year just shows it more than others.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Week ending Feb. 28, 2010

Here are my God sightings for the week ending Feb. 28, 2010. Please feel free to leave your own God sightings, either via the comments section or on my Facebook page. I would love to hear/see where you have seen God!

-An elderly couple taking a walk in their neighborhood, holding hands.
-Spring literally bursting forth in colors! All of the trees blooming and budding!
-(What appeared to be) two friends who haven't seen each other in a long time, greeting each other with a hug.
-Although not a positive event, the earthquakes in Japan and Chile'
-Honking of geese, as they fly their migration pattern overhead.